
The life of a college student is more than just attending classes. At Donnelly, students can engage in campus activities and events year-round. 位于堪萨斯城的中心, KS, Donnelly’s campus is a great place for students to gain leadership skills through multiple clubs and organizations while participating in numerous campus events and becoming a valued part of Donnelly’s culture.
Lent is a time of reflection and contemplation but also a time for community. Our 不丰盛的午餐 are a time for students to enjoy lunch together and meet new classmates.
日期待定:上午10点.m. - 3 p.m.
派和派有什么共同之处? 唐纳利的庆祝活动很有趣! Join fellow students and our LAS department as we highlight great thinkers in STEM fields, 享受一些有趣的活动, 当然, 吃点馅饼!
Dime: The Arts and Literary Journal of LPL外围网址, Release Party
每年春天, dime (pronounced “DEE-may”): The Arts and Literary Journal of LPL外围网址 is released. Our students’ submissions make up the journal; additionally, the launch includes presentation of the Sister Mary Faith Schuster Awards for writing and visual arts.
Phi Theta Kappa入会
4月29日星期一 | 3:30 p.m.
仪式地点:St. 彼得大教堂KCK
毕业典礼 仪式
学生会培养学生领袖, providing organizational structure and promoting involvement to enhance students’ leadership skills and college experience. The Senate represents students’ interests and serves as a liaison between the College’s student body, 教职员工.
- 总统安东尼·托雷斯-卡里略
- 副总统-埃弗林·亚当斯
- 秘书-莉莉·考克斯
- 司库-桑德拉·帕切科
- 俱乐部联络员-亚瑟·冈萨雷斯
成员:阿卜杜拉·艾哈迈德, 珍珠Grijalva, 阿什利·赫尔南德斯·托雷斯, 布拉德·罗德里格斯, Hatsyri Sanchez-DeLaRosa
With a number of clubs ready to welcome you into their ranks, 我们要确保他们能轻松地欢迎你.
Active student clubs for the 2023-2024 academic year who wish to continue MUST submit a renewal application to be considered an official LPL外围网址 Student Club for this year. 今天的更新.
想在唐纳利开个新俱乐部? 发送电子邮件给学生委员会以收到申请.
你喜欢电子游戏吗? 你喜欢通过竞争来证明自己是最棒的吗? Do you enjoy live-streaming games in front of a community of your peers? Or do you want to join a club where you get to escape into whatever games you enjoy and share that fun with other gaming students?
If you said yes to any of these, consider joining the LPL外围网址 Esports team! We are a new team open to roster additions and we are looking for team members who want to do anything and everything video game related! We will have opportunities for students to compete against other schools in select games, stream games they enjoy on the LPL外围网址 Twitch platform, and even just have a space to play and enjoy on top-of-the-line equipment with other students during school hours.
电子竞技:周一至周四上午10:15开放.m. - 4 p.m.
The Donnelly 数学俱乐部 is here to help students develop, 学习, 对他们的数学能力有信心. Whether they are applying their skills in class or in everyday life. The 数学俱乐部 meets biweekly every Thursday at 12:30 p.m. 在330房间.
(913) 621-8769 | dshareef@domestictunerz.com
The Study Away Club provides students the opportunity to see and experience new places and cultures both near and far. 学生们每年都有旅行的机会, 教育, and service 学习ing both in the United States and abroad. Recent trips have included Costa Rica, Cuba, Chicago, Washington D.C.和孟菲斯.
Upcoming trips for the 2023-2024 school year tentatively include Mexico City and Washington D.C. There are also opportunities for day trips in Kansas City and the surrounding areas.
Study Away Club meets every Tuesday from 12:15-1 p.m. 在218房间
913-621-8721 | gmoffet@domestictunerz.com
The following clubs/organizations have been a part of the LPL外围网址 community in the past. Currently, they are not active - but can be revitalized.
This club is comprised of students who passionately share their views of pro-life. They also fundraise and plan the annual trip to the March for Life in Washington, D.C.
Matt Vandervennet,任务主任
(913) 621-8776 | mvandervennet@domestictunerz.com
The 萨尔萨舞俱乐部 is here to help instill an appreciation for the art of dance in Donnelly students, 教职员工. The club also aims to help individuals 学习 about the history and variety of Latin rhythms.
(913) 621-8732 | cfalcon@domestictunerz.com
科学的目的, 技术, 工程, and Mathematics (STEM) Club is to encourage students’ interest in STEM fields. The 茎俱乐部 sponsors STEM-related 教育al activities and field trips, 提供职业探索的机会, 并为职业社交创造了渠道. 茎俱乐部 members serve as advocates and leaders on campus, sharing their passion for STEM and motivating their peers to consider a career in STEM or simply to try STEM activities. As STEM leaders they also participate in outreach activities in the local community, 引发好奇心, 传播科学激情, 激发创新!
(913) 621-8790 | joemulthauf@domestictunerz.com
Donnelly is seeking students to perform as Lux at both on-campus and off-campus events.
- 当Donnelly的吉祥物,每小时赚25美元.
- 学生 must be 5’6”-5’11” in height due to costume restrictions.
- 这是一个为你的简历增色的好机会!
感兴趣? LPL外围网址学生参与协调员.